Michael Haight

Michael Haight paints watercolor narratives of washy abstraction balanced with figurative script. Conceptually, the artist is interested in the paths we all forge in our collective yearning towards something that cannot be grasped. Some compositions are like lists of events written over the top of maps, that act as vessels for delayed emotions not felt until time, and sobriety, allow such feelings to bubble to the surface. Others are built as testimonials, like piles of belongings meant to be sifted through, in order to reveal a dreamscape. Many feature self-portraiture—judgement of the past from the present—as a way to illustrate the way the new self remembers the old selves. Other subjects are the figures that surround the artist with their influence, and likewise the artist’s influence upon them. Oftentimes an artwork serves as a documentation of cycles of death and rebirth, or impending transformation.

Michael Haight lives and works in Los Angeles, California.

CV is here // Archive is here // Studio is here


Copyright Michael Austin Haight (c) 2016