2024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820052004 A Film Called “Holly”, 2012Video3 minute 55 second runtimeMH2012.001 Pharmaceutical Ad, 2012Ink and Stickers on Paper20 inches by 22 inchesMH2012.003 Paint with a Needle and Thread, 2012Book of Poetry by the artist turned into a filmRuntime: 22 minutes, Trailer Runtime: 2 minutes 48 secondsMH2012.005 Portrait, 2012Acrylic, Ink and Grease Marker on Board36 inches by 24 inchesMH2012.002 NASDAQ, 2012Spray paint, graphite, and stickers on Paper20 inches by 22 inchesMH2012.004 Request Hi-Res Images